Conference Speaker Schedule
Conference Check-In at the Embassy Suites
Thursday, October 5; 5:00 - 9:00 pm
Thursday, October 5: Boomer/ Sooner Room
7:00 - 9:00 pm: Danny Ben Gigi 'Learn Hebrew in Two Hours' Lesson
Friday, October 6: Grand Ballroom
8:30 am: Opening Comments & Music
9:00 am: Brandon Holthaus; The Threat of Artificial Intelligence
10:00 am: Dr. Mark Hitchcock; Key Events in Israel's Future
11:00 am: L.A. Marzulli; Unholy Sacrifices: Cattle Mutilations
12:00 pm: LUNCH * Dr. Larry Olison; Kept From the Hour
1:30 pm: J.B. Hixson; Spirit of the False Prophet: Hacking & Tracking Humanity
2:30 pm: Ryan Pitterson; End Time Nephilim Deception
3:30 pm: Dr. Danny Ben Gigi; The Covert Time Codes in the Name of God
4:30 pm: Bill Salus; The Future Pre-tribulation War Prophecies
5:30 pm: DINNER * Gary, Mondo, LA; The Archaeological Adventures of LA Marzulli
7:00 pm: Billy Crone; Klaus Schwab & the Transhumanist Plan for Humans
8:00 pm: Tom Hughes; Mark of the Beast: Closer Than You Think
9:00 pm: LA Marzulli; The Rungs of Disclosure: UFO Update
Friday, October 6: University Ballroom
9:00 am: Wilfred Hahn; The End Time Money Trap Hastened: How To Remain Free
10:00 am: Dr. Nathan Jones; The Fires of Injustice
11:00 am: Steve Miller; Foreshadows of Christ’s Return
12:00 pm: LUNCH * Dr. Larry Olison; Kept From the Hour
1:30 pm: Dr. Mark Hitchcock; UFOs: My Strange Encounter in Roswell, NM
2:30 pm: Brandon Holthaus; The Ideological Subversion of the Church
3:30 pm: Dr. Mikel Cary; A Spiritual Door: A Voice and the Scroll
4:30 pm: Dr. Randall Price; Prophecy in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Preparing Israel for Christ's Return
5:30 pm: DINNER * Gary, Mondo, LA; The Archaeological Adventures of LA Marzulli
7:00 pm: Dr. Larry Ollison; The Mystery of Time Travel and the Bible
8:00 pm: Lee Brainard; The Book of Revelation: Confusion, Corrections and Controversies
9:00 pm: Don Perkins; Is America In Bible Prophecy?
Saturday, October 7: Grand Ballroom
Tom Horn; Legion: For We Are Many
8:00 am: Bill Salus & Bill Koenig; Q & A on Israel
9:00 am: Lee Brainard; Seven Potent Potent Pre-Trib Proofs
10:00 am: Ken Johnson; Prophecies From the Dead Sea Scrolls
11:00 am: Wilfred Hahn; The Beginning & End of Globalism: Implications for America?
12:00 pm: LUNCH * Pastor Matt Freeman; Jonah & the Whale: America's Future
1:30 pm: Billy Crone: Klaus Schwab & the Transhumanist Methods for Humans
2:30 pm: Pete Garcia; Vanishing Point
3:30 pm: J.B. Hixson; Yuval Harari and the Coming Beast System
4:30 pm: Bill Koenig; Connecting the Dots: Jerusalem, Washington & the Middle East
5:30 pm: DINNER * Mondo Gonzales; Outer Space: Eye Hath NOW Seen. The Psalm 19 Project
7:00 pm: Dr. Randall Price; Rebuilding the Temple: Sign of Christ’s Imminent Return
8:00 pm: Tom Hughes; Marching to the Beat of the Globalist Drum
9:00 pm: Mondo Gonzales; Revelation 3:10: Our Rapture Promise From Jesus
Saturday, October 7: University Ballroom
9:00 am: Dr. Mikel Cary; Who Are the 144,000?
10:00 am: Pete Garcia; Conspiracy!
11:00 am: Bill Koenig; Growing Spiritually in the Final Days
12:00 pm: LUNCH * Pastor Matt Freeman; Jonah & the Whale: America's Future
1:30 pm: Steve Miller; Seven Truths To Remember As the World Falls Apart
2:30 pm: Ken Johnson; Herbal Medicine From the Dead Sea Scrolls
3:30 pm: Dr. Danny Ben Gigi; Amazing Bible Secrets Only Visible in Hebrew
4:30 pm: Terry James; As It Was in the Days of Lot
5:30 pm: DINNER * Mondo Gonzales; Outer Space: Eye Hath NOW Seen. The Psalm 19 Project
7:00 pm: Bill Salus; The Future Tribulation War Prophecies
8:00 pm: Ryan Pitterson; Ancient Nephilim Technology
9:00 pm: Dr. Nathan Jones; The Mighty Angels of Revelation
Sunday, October 8: Grand Ballroom
8:00 am: James DeYoung; The Pre-Trib Rapture: Key to the End of the World
9:00 am: Dr. Larry Ollison; Life Between Death and the Rapture
10:00 am: Don Perkins; The Great White Throne Judgment
11:00 am: Gary Stearman; The Bow of the Antichrist
12:00 pm: Q & A
12:45 pm: Closing Comments
​Sunday, October 8: Boomer/ Sooner Room
1:15 - 3:15 pm: Danny Ben Gigi 'Learn Hebrew in Two Hours' Lesson
*Indicates a Paid Meal Presentation
For those of you who are flying into Oklahoma City for the conference,
there are a couple options we would recommend for getting
from the Will Rogers Airport to your hotel in Norman, OK
and back to the airport after the conference.
They have an office in the airport across
from Baggage Claim 4. Cost for a trip from
the airport to Norman, OK is approximately
$48 for one person. Add $4 per additional
guest up to a maximum of five.
You may appreciate having a way to get around in Norman, OK.
We checked rates and they could certainly vary up or down, however
the cost of a mid-size car from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon,
when we checked, including taxes & fees, is about $171.
The cost of a full-size car is about $207.